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© KB Shaw

A Modern Take on a Classic Pulp Heroine.
(Mature Themes, Language, and Sexual Situations)

(Mature Audiences)

When the infamous tech entrepreneur Wilson Rorke is discredited and commits suicide, Kelly Logan is determined to clear her father’s name. She must reinvent herself to survive shark-infested waters where the dan­gerous currents of high-finance, tech­nology, and Hollywood converge.

Domino Lady is not a superhero. She's just a woman who will do anything to clear her father's name.

For Dashiell Hammett Fans
(Mature Themes)

Dashiell Hammett's The Continental Op

In 2011, I was fortunate to write a series pilot spec script for Black Mask Productions and HBO. Unfortunately, HBO went with "True De­tective," which I really enjoyed. The Con­ti­nen­tal Op, along with Sam Spade, was one of Dashiell Hammett's most popular characters.

A series bible is often presented with the pilot script to give the producers your vision for the series. The bible grows as the season's episodes are written. 

A Short Story for fans of Speculative Fiction
(Mature Themes)

We all know that both mother and father pass on genes to their children. But what about egineered designer genes?

A satircal look at the near future.

A Serialized Coming of Age Fantasy
(Language and Sexual Situations)

Hey, I'm Calvin Cobb. All my life I've done my best to go unnoticed. I just wanted to get through high school without being picked, elected, or asked to do anything. But everything changed. There was a new girl in school — my dream girl. I ached for her to notice me. [Good luck with that!] Then, on my seventeenth birthday, I started having these weird-ass dreams — for one hour each night, I had a unique superpower. Join me to see if my dreams come true... or become effing nightmares.

A Gritty Noir Novel for Fans of Detective Fiction
(Language and Sexual Situations)

Chambliss: .500

Jake Chambliss is a cop of another era. The internet isn't public and the police don't wear body cams. His beloved Packers are suffering through hard times, his city's homeless pop­ulation is stalked by a serial killer, and he's living un­der­cover on the streets of the inner city. When presented with another suspi­cious death, he has two cases to solve.

Part One: The Menagerie Murder
Part Two: Chambliss
Part Three: Shorelines
Part Four: Track Down

For Fans of Speculative Fiction
(Mature Themes)

Phoenix lies in the Sonoran Desert. It's dependent on water obtained from a vast watershed flowing from distant mountains to the north and the east. Even now, the Valley of the Sun faces a loom­ing water crisis, yet the population still grows beyond reason. 

This work of speculative fiction portays just one pos­sible future.